SOAP Bible study guide
At Gulfside, our desire is that every believer would not just attend church, but also hear from God daily through His Word! We believe that doing daily devotions re-patterns the way we think, transforms our heart, and helps us become more like Jesus! SOAP is the study plan that we think is easiest to pick up. We hope you’ll join us in SOAPing!
Write down in your journal a verse or two that stands out to you.
Write down a few observations about the scripture you just read.
What do you think God is saying through this scripture?
Personalize what you have read by asking yourself how it applies
to your life right now. What steps might God want you to take to apply this?
Write down a personal message from you to God based on what
you just learned & ask Him to help you apply this truth in your life.
Need extra resources?
The Read Scripture video series are a great way to understand overview each book of the Bible. There is a short, easy to understand video for each book that goes through the background, themes, and general topic of each chapter. They're super helpful for anyone, regardless of how much experience you have digging into the Bible.
This guide gives specific steps to help you observe, interpret, and apply Scripture. There's so many great, yet simple ideas in this for helping you pull key ideas out of the text and apply them to your life.