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Church should be your child's favorite day of the week! Every Sunday we work hard to make sure our environment is clean, safe, and fun for your infant through fifth graders. Our leaders love pouring into and raising up the next generation of world-changers to love God and His church!

Gulfside Kids exists

around the 4 C’s of Gulfside

Christ Centered

Helping children take steps in faith as they grow in relationship with Jesus,

keeping Him at the center of their life.



Showing children how much Jesus loves them and how to treat

others with the same love.



Engaging children with creative lessons and allowing them to discover

how creatively God made them.


Community Oriented

Teaching children the importance of being in community with

those who follow Jesus.

About Gulfside Kids

Age groups:

Our children’s ministry is separated into four areas: 





This allows us to engage children according to their level of learning.



Special Needs:

We want every child to have a chance to experience Jesus and the Church. This includes children who have special mental, emotional, or physical needs. This ministry works by a Buddy system. Buddies will attend class with a child who has special needs. Buddies will meet the child and the child’s parents/guardian so that all participants are able to talk to one another and share information.




Before kids can enter the Kid’s ministry, parents/guardians must check-in their kids. Check-in stations are located through the children’s ministry doors. A name tag will be printed for the child and a security tag will be given to the parent/guardian. The security tag displays a code that matches one on the child’s name tag. Tags are necessary for pick-up. This helps us know your child is going home with the right person.


First Visit to Gulfside?

Preregister your family to skip the paperwork on your first Sunday.  



ANY questions?

Send Paige Navarro, our Kids Director’s an email at

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